is-TU Keys Homepage
Different approaches exist for a standardized interface to
use a computer with alternative input methods. For Microsoft
Windows such an interface is implemented by means of
'Serial Keys'. This interface simulates mouse and keyboard
via serial port. The version integrated in Windows XP,
however, was developed for the US market and supports
the US character set only.
Several attempts to standardize the serial protocol exist.
The Trace Center offers a proposal called
'General Input Device Emulating Interface'
(GIDEI). Various products - commercial as well as freeware - partially implement this standard.
Since none of these programs offer all the functionality needed for
the Institute 'integrated study' developed a (almost) complete
implementation of the GIDEI protocol.
The result of this implementation effort is now available as 'is-TU Keys'.
Version (612kB)
Description of the supported Command Sequences
System requirements for this demo version:
- Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
- Serial port
- A second computer with a matching program (for example
AUTONOMY) for sending the GIDEI sequences