ISU Homepage
The project "ISU - Intelligent Sanitary Unit for Disabled and Elderly People" aimed at increasing autonomy of older people and bedridden persons,
supporting care givers and restoring dignity and self-esteem in the most sensitive area of personal hygiene. The project developed a mobile system of
sanitary components for improving hygiene, care-provision and quality of life consisting of a supply and disposal unit and
- a bed-shower for washing a bedridden or immobile person without spilling water to the environment and
- a mobile bed-side toilet which offers WC flushing and odour-free vacuum disposal of faecal-matter which usually are offered
only from stationary assistive toilets.
The project consortium consisted of four SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise) with complementary products to generate an integrated solution and
two RTD organisations with experience in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and end-user participation. The university partner also provided ethical guidance for
working in this highly sensitive area of personal hygiene.
Project partners
- Vienna University of Technology, Institute 'integrated study' - TUW (Austria)
CRT (Austria)
- Santis Kft -
SAN (Hungary)
- Blechtechnik Eisenerz GmbH -
BTE (Austria)
VEB (Germany)
- J. Honoré a/s -
JHA (Denmark)
The project ISU received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme managed by
REA-Research Executive Agency under Grant Agreement No 262286.
The project started on November 1st, 2010 with a duration of 30 months.