toilet4me Homepage
"Personalised toilets for active living"
To toilet4me Project Homepage
The Toilet4me project addresses older people and the needs they have when using a toilet outside home in semi-public environments (e.g. toilets located in community centres, shopping malls, museums, theatres, hotels). The vision of Toilet4me is to develop and provide ICT-enhanced toilet systems which are able to adapt themselves to the individual needs and preferences of the older person currently using the toilet. Core is a motorised toilet able to support the sitting and the stand-to-sit and sit-to-stand transition with the possibility to re-use adjustment data from preferences at home.
Some partners have already participated in the previous
iToilet AAL project (2016-2018)
which has developed ICT-enhanced toilet systems for older persons who are living at home. Based on the very good results and on the idea of supporting older persons also outside home the idea of extending the application area towards semi-public settings has occurred. This area is very attractive as availability of suitable toilets will empower and support older persons to leave home and to actively participate in the society and additionally will bring up new market areas with important customers, e.g. hotels offering state of the art accessible and adaptable hotel rooms as USP which will bring clear RoI.
Based on the very promising vision there is the need to explore the new application area to learn more about market, customer, user-related and technological issues before setting up a focussed larger RTD project. This is the mission of the small collaborative project at hand.
The composition of the consortium allows to carry out a study covering user related, business related and technology related aspects and to thoroughly prepare a following large AAL innovation project.
The consortium plans to carry out the preparatory study starting Nov 2018 and in case of promising results submit a proposal for a larger RTD project in mid-2019.
Expected benefits:
- older persons (primary end users): direct benefit: improved body stability (adapting to optimal sitting height), supporting sitting-down and standing-up transition, improved safety. Indirect: motivation / empowerment to leave home and participate in social and active life (knowing that suitable toilets are provided)
- For secondary users (carers): reduced workload, less demanding
- For tertiary users (institutions, hotels, ...): offering better service for community, enter important emerging market (accessible tourism)
Duration: 20 November 2018 - 19 May 2019
Call: AAL JP 2018, topic: "Smart Solutions for Ageing well"
New Instrument: Small Collaborative Project
Project partners are:
- TU Wien, Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology (Co-ordinator), Austria
CareCenter Software GmbH, Linz, Austria
Resto VanHarte, The Netherlands
Instituto Pedro Nunes, Portugal
BEIA Consult International, Romania
Caritas Diocesana de Coimbra, Portugal
Sanmedi bv, The Netherlands
Ihcare Lda, Portugal
The analysis showed that there are good chances for implementation so a follow-up project proposal T4ME2 was placed in the AAL 2019 call.